by Krista

In this series, I looked at a number of attributes of God and how they relate to counseling. With Christmas right around the corner, we long to be enveloped by God’s love. Yet, so much evil in the world often causes even believers to question God’s love.For more thoughts along these lines, I have found Randy Alcorn’s book If God is Good to be particularly helpful. It is good to reminded that love defines who God is in all of his actions.
Love — God is the very definition of love (1 Jn. 4:8). Although the world has twisted “love” to mean a variety of things, we can only look to God’s Word to find the real meaning of love and how believers are to show love to others. It is because of God’s love for us that we are even able to love (Rom. 5:8). Just as God is the definition of love, love is equally defining for believers; it is the mark of a true disciple of Jesus (Jn. 13:35). All counseling can return to the greatest two commandments — loving God and loving others (Matt. 22:37-38) and we demonstrate the work of God in our lives when we imitate His love for us by loving those around us (1 Jn. 4:11).