Shepherding and Training Through Biblical Counseling
Stamp Collecting….In Memoriam
Theology Thursdays: How does peace (as an attribute of God) relate to the believer’s life and
Finishing Well….by one who did
Theology Thursdays: Is God personal?
Theology Thursdays: The Goodness of God
Theology Thursdays: The wisdom of God
Theology Thursdays: What is the relationship between infallibility and authority?
Theology Thursdays: What does it mean that the Bible is “inspired”?
Theology Thursday: How the attribute of God’s love relates to the believer’s life and counseling
Theology Thursday: Compare and contrast the Bible and its authority to general revelation and its au
Theology Thursday: The doctrine of the Trinity
Theology Thursday: What is the relationship between infallibility and authority?
Theology Thursdays!
Forget “Turning the other cheek” . . . I just got stabbed in the back!