I don’t know how to begin describing the mass amount of events from this last week. Not to mention the ending of school, or even since we have been here, for that matter. So I’m going to pull a Hebrews 11 and just rocket through amazing stories in list form.
“And what more shall I say? I do not have time to tell about…” the 15 crocs lying in the muddy banks of the river on our way to Jaco, or the perfect hammock I scored for $12.00 or the last night together with the girls eating casado con pescado at the little soda on the rock coast of Playa Mal Pais or even right now waking up at 10:30 in the morning after taking Lisa to the airport at 4:30 AM and the house of Nelson is still quiet as I sneak to make a bowl of oatmeal and a perfect cup o’ coffee in a soapy Corning mug (you know, the indestructible ones that can be dropped at counter height and still not break).
Speaking of breaking, how do I even tell of the stress trying to fix the unknown with the beast broke down on the side of the road while desperately trying to make the girls happy, only to find out they’re having a grand time playing smash ball or Phase 10 or eating toxic fruit while I try not to panic.
Krista and Lisa, Paulette and Robbin were absolutely wonderful. They where the highlight of the journey and in some ways, all of them together made the adventure what it was. It seemed like Krista finally had fun friends she could laugh and play with, but that were strong and attentive to more than just their own needs. We truly had friends. We all took care of ourselves and each other and the laughter overflowed from a well of security and confidence. Even at the most stressful or frustrating moments, no one believed anything bad was happening. It was all just part of the adventure.
We camped out on beautiful palm treed beaches and I surfed a semi-secret spot with a great rolling left and there was not a soul in sight. I could have been stark naked and no one would have ever known.
Of course, how can I forget the makeshift grill in the middle of Jonathan’s shop where we lit up some camarones on skewers and grilled the most fantastic Marlin I have ever had. There is Jonathan sliding the little shrimps down the long stick with his grease covered fingers that he had not washed all day working on the my truck and it was delicious.
And then there were the 3 flat tires. All of which were the same tire. Of which the first flat was the morning we were supposed to leave.
And the 4 stops for mechanics along the way. Two different welders and a blown radiator. And yet we still managed to get to Santa Teresa and back in time for Lisa’s plane. And she got her sunburn like she wanted and Robbin and P got to surf and K and I found “the property or our dreams” just like the other 5 times before.
And what more can I say. I do not have time to tell about…
Crossing on the ferry and missing the ferry
Eating manzanillo
Drinking 6 liters of café frío
The four girls pushing the Land Rover Defender 110 on a dirt road
Breakfast at the campground with the Pacific right out front
Breakfast at Tranquilo Backpacker and Nutella-covered crêpes (and crêpes for lunch and crêpes for dinner and …)
2nd hand pot-smoking at the youth hostel
Buying a surfboard for ½ price
Paying the mechanic 2x the price of a normal customer
Fish dinner at the old abandoned Punterenas ferry dock
Wondering the street of Montezuma with all the other hippies
Jacó and Kangaroo hostel where we had A/C but no electicity and hot water but no showers but plenty of entertainment
Drinking banano con leche until we were clogged
The girls laughed at everything and made friends with everyone including the ones that were not so friendly. To “Go Anita” on someone is to get in someone’s face (to put it mildly or to beat them with a bicycle helmet). To “Go Johnny” on someone is to take advantage of them and rip’em off AKA “Gringo prices.” And my new all-time favorite is to “Go Robbin” on someone, which is to be so kind to your enemy or the jerk who is pulling a “Johnny” or “Anita,” that they are completely disarmed and end up becoming your amigo afterwards.
What more can I say… well I could say a lot more. There was so much fun and frustration words just can’t paint an accurate picture. You just had to be there…
So next time someone invites you to go on a trip, just remember it could turn into an adventure and no one will ever understand what it actually took to get home. And that’s half the journey.